Students are critical to any experimental program, both for its success and because experiments have inherent value for training the next generation of problem solvers. Below, please find theses from students who have contributed to the success of the PICO program. If a thesis appears to be missing, please contact the PICO web coordination team and share the information with them.

PhD Theses

Dark Matter Search with the PICO-40L Bubble Chamber
Colin Moore (Queen’s U., Kingston) (2024)
Light collection as a veto for PICO and SBC dark matter searches
Hector Hawley Herrera (Queen’s U., Kingston) (2024)
New ideas for tonne-scale bubble chambers and a search for superheavy dark matter with PICO-60
Benjamin Broerman (Queen’s U., Kingston) (Jan 7, 2022)
Measurements and Analysis of the Sensitivity of Superheated C3F8 Bubble Chambers to Interactions from WIMP Dark Matter
Jin Miaotianzi (Northwestern University) (2019)
PICO-60: A Dark Matter Search Experiment with C33​F88​ in a Bubble Chamber
Pitam Mitra (Alberta U.) (2018)
Eliminating Backgrounds in the Search for Dark Matter with the PICO-60 Bubble Chamber
Dan Baxter (Northwestern University). (June, 2018)
The PICO-2L program: Towards Background-Free Dark Matter Direct Detection Using Bubble Chambers
Chanpreet Amole (Queen’s U., Kingston) (Aug 22, 2017)
Recherche de la matière sombre à l’aide de détecteurs à liquides surchauffés dans le cadre de l’expérience PICO/Picasso
Mathieu Laurin (U. Montreal (main)) (Mar 28, 2017)
Dark Matter Limits From a 2L C3F8 Filled Bubble Chamber
Alan Robinson (University of Chicago). (2015)

Masters Theses

Studies on Radioactive Background Mitigation for the PICO-500 Dark Matter Search Experiment
Shawn Miller-Chikowski (University of Alberta) (2024)
Calibration of the Sensitivity of Perfluorocarbon Mixtures to Nuclear Recoil
Jeremy Savoie (Université de Montréal) (2022)
Neutron Reactions in Superheated Fluids
Clayton Blaine Coutu (University of Alberta) (2022)
Electron Recoils in the PICO Direct Dark Matter Detection Experiment
Gevy Cao (Queen’s U., Kingston) (2019)
Bubble Growth Dynamics For C3F8 Bubble Chambers.
Alexandre LeBlanc (Laurentian University) (2019)
Monte Carlo Simulations for a Tonne-Scale Bubble Chamber to Search for Dark Matter
Enriqueta Noriega Benitez (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico). (2019)

Undergraduate Theses

Effectiveness of Bubble Chambers at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge in Detecting Coherent Neutrino Nucleus Scattering
Michael Reid (University of Chicago) (2016)
Modelling the acoustic response of PICO 2L using Finite Element Analysis
Nicholas Buzinsky (University of Alberta). (2016)